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Shape the future of Sound Alerts with Feature Requests

Shape the future of Sound Alerts with Feature Requests

Our team has always focused on creating products based on the wishes and needs of our streamer community. This philosophy helped us follow current streaming trends or adapt certain aspects of Sound Alerts to make them more accessible for you and your viewers. Today, we want to evolve this experience to a new level and introduce a refreshed way for you to request features via our Ideas Board.

This image shows the Sound Alerts community roadmap in the Ideas Board.
The roadmap includes an overview of the current progress in the most popular requests

How can I request Sound Alerts Features?

The process is simple and requires no preparation. Follow these steps to let our team know what's next for Sound Alerts:

  1. Visit our Ideas Board.
  2. Log in with your Sound Alerts account via the button on the top right.
  3. Create a new request via the blue button or search for existing ones to upvote them.
  4. That's it! If enough people like your idea, it will appear on our roadmap — follow the changelog for frequent updates on our progress.
This image shows the front page of the Sound Alerts Ideas board allowing you to request new features.
Scroll through the existing request or create a new one by clicking the button

Why do Feature Requests matter?

community-driven development cycle is essential for Sound Alerts since you, the streamers using the tool, know what's best for you and your audience. We want to stay away from empty promises and focus on the proposals that resonate most on the Ideas Board to evolve Sound Alerts in the future. 

To put it more simply, our team looks at this board daily and bases the decisions on the trends and topics listed to enable an active voice for streamers in our community. The more votes and comments a request gets, the higher it climbs on our priority list.

This image shows the changelog in the Sound Alerts Ideas Board.
Our changelog includes updates on the completed requests and new features

Get started with your first Feature Request today!

Do not hesitate to start right now and create your first request or comment/upvote existing ones. No idea is too dumb. (Except maybe the one that said we need more fart sounds. That's nonsense, and you know it.) Thanks for supporting our tool, and happy streaming!