Product Manager Alert — Lina joins the Team!

Product Manager Alert — Lina joins the Team!

Maintaining a product with the size of Sound Alerts takes a lot of effort, creative thinking, optimized processes, and a passionate team. On that journey, we constantly seek experts who can add new skills to our small group. While our development team has continued to grow over the past few months, we also need to optimize our product processes to remain efficient and update Sound Alerts regularly. That's why we are incredibly excited that Lina joins our team as a product manager.

What is a Product Manager?

In general, product managers are organizational talents that maintain the overview of all processes within developing a product, such as Sound Alerts. This involves communicating with our development team and linking the results with other company parts, such as marketing, content creation, or legal. Product managers also ideate new features, track progress, and create appropriate timelines for new releases. Lina does all of this and much more to ensure Sound Alerts is in its best state. Curious about Sound Alerts? Watch our new product trailer below.


But wait, who is Lina? 

This is a great question. And the best one to answer it would be ... Lina! So yeah, Lina, who are you exactly?

Hey everyone, 
I am excited to introduce myself to you! I am Lina, and I recently joined the Sound Alerts team as their new product manager. My journey with Sound Alerts actually started way before that in 2018 when I joined James (the Sound Alerts founder) to visit TwitchCon San José, where he presented his new Twitch Extension to other Extension creators on the Developer Day. It has been amazing to see the growth of Sound Alerts and the joy it brings to streamer communities around the world. 

This image shows the Sound Alerts product manager Lina at TwitchCon San José
Lina at TwitchCon San José 

As the new product manager, I will work with the developers to improve the Sound Alerts experience even more. And did you know? You can actually be part of it by submitting your ideas for new features or voting for other ideas that are already there. It is important for us to get your feedback, so we can bring Sound Alerts to the next level.

This image shows the Sound Alerts ideas board.
Our Ideas Board allows you to submit new feature requests for Sound Alerts

The next Update

Together with Lina, we are already working on the next significant updates for Sound Alerts — some of the new features were already announced in our recent anniversary update. Others remain secret for now but be assured that we have more big announcements in store for you this year.

This image shows the key art of the Sound Alerts anniversary update blog post.
Learn more about the next updates for Sound Alerts in our Anniversary Update blog post

Thank you!

As always, thank you for reading another Sound Alerts blog post and using our tool! Make sure to join our Discord to stay in touch with the global community of Sound Alerts content creators and us. You can also connect with Lina via LinkedIn. Happy streaming!

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